
This document describes how to install and launch the Idra platform very easily using Docker. There are several ways to accomplish this:

  1. Docker-Compose: Use docker-compose to the whole stack as several containers, including Idra itself, MySQL and RDF4J.
  2. Docker container: Use docker image to run only the Idra container. Provide MySQL and RDF4J separately.

Idra GitHub repository provides both DockerFile and docker-compose files, in order to use both methods. However, the recommended way is to use Docker Compose, which allows you to start an Idra container, based on the official Docker Hub image.


First method requires to install Docker Compose (see the guide).

Second method requires to install only Docker Engine (see the guide).

Using Docker Compose

Docker Compose allows to run and link an Idra container (running on a Tomcat Alpine container) to MySQL and RDF4J containers very easily. In order to accomplish this, execute the following steps.

  • Open a command prompt and execute the following command to clone the source code from the Idra GitHub repository:
git clone

Move into Idra/docker folder:

cd Idra/docker

In this folder there is the docker-compose.yml; before launching it, we have to configure both networking and environment variables properly, as described below.

  • (ONLY AFTER COMPLETING FOLLOWING SECTION) Run the docker-compose file with:
docker-compose up

The containers will be automatically started and attached to the created idra_main network (see below).

Deployment & configuration

Docker networking

Idra and its related containers (MySQL and RDF4j) will run in the same network, that MUST be created before running the platform. The containers will be attached to this network and each one will have its own assigned IP and hostname, internal to the network. In particular, the container hostname will be equal to the name given in the “services” section of docker-compose file. Thus, each container can look up the hostname of the others.

  • Create the idra_main network by typing the following command:
docker network create idra_main

You can check the created network, where all the containers will be attached to, with:

docker network ls

Once the application was started, you can check IPs assigned to running containers, with:

docker inspect network idra_main


As the network is a bridge, each port exposed by containers (e.g. 8080), will be mapped and also reachable in the machine where Docker was installed. Thus, if the machine is publicly and directly exposed, also these ports will be reachable, unless they were closed.

Configuration through environment variables

The configuration through properties file, as done in the WAR packaging installation, should be overridden by changing the corresponding environment variables, in the environment section of provided docker-compose.yml file. In this way, docker-compose will inject in the Idra container the environment variables declared in its environment section, which will override the default values in corresponding properties files.

For instance, the idra.db.username property can be set, with the same name, with:


Database creation

Idra relies on a MySQL database to store all the application data and collected Open Datasets.

The compose defines a dedicated container, with specific mounted volumes:

    - ./opt/idra/mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
    - ./idra_db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/idra_db.sql

The volumes define the following:

  • DB Data folder: the host folder ./opt/idra/mysql-data will contain DB data, even if the container will be destroyed. (If the folder does not exists, a new one will be created under the root of the cloned folder).
  • Database initialization script: the SQL script, provided in the repository folder, that will create and initialize the idra_db DB. (Generally, do not touch this.) In addition, it creates an administration user with the following credentials:
        - **`username: admin`**
        - **`password: admin`**

Note. To change the administrator password login in the Idra Portal with the previous credentials then go to the Administration -> Manage Configurations -> Update Password section.

RDF repository creation

Idra relies in a RDF Triple Store (RDF4J) to store all the RDF retrieved from federated ODMS catalogues. The compose defines a dedicated container, with specific mounted volumes:

    - ./opt/idra/rdf4j-data:/opt/rdf4j/data

The volume defines the following:

  • RDF4J Data folder: the host folder ./opt/idra/rdf4j-data will contain the RDF4J data, even if the container will be destroyed. If the folder does not exists, a new one will be created under the root of the cloned folder).

Unlike the MySQL case, currently, you have to manually create a new RDF4J repository:

  • Once the Idra server started (after launching docker-compose), go with browser to the RDF4J URL: localhost:8081/rdf4j-workbench

Note. Change the port number according to the configuration done (if changed) in the ports section of docker-compose file.

  • Through the RDF4J GUI, select “new repository” on the left menu, then create a new repository of type Native Java Store called Idra.

Applying configuration

Start it up

Once all the environment configurations are done, we can run:

docker-compose up

As a result of this command, there is Idra listening on port 8080 (default in ports section of docker-compose.yml) on localhost.

Using Docker standalone container

This method use a Docker image to run only a container running Idra platform. It is up to you to provide MySQL and RDF4J instances. These may be running on localhost, other host on your network, another container, or anywhere you have network access to. Link them accordingly, see the Docker link and bridge networks guides.

The Idra Docker image can be:

docker pull idraopendata/idra
  • manually built with (go to /Idra/docker folder):
docker build -t idraopendata/idra .

Once the Idra image was pulled or created, launch a container based on it:

docker run idraopendata/idra

Note. In order to see how to override environment variables and then to configure Idra according to Configuration Section, see the Docker run reference.